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What to expect in a kinesiology session

Kinesiology is a complimentary therapy that aims to find imbalances that are contributing to an individuals physical, emotional or cognitive issues. A kinesiology session is typically a gentle, non-invasive approach to addressing these imbalances and promoting overall health and well-being.

During a kinesiology session, you can expect:

  1. Consultation: The kinesiologist will start by asking you about your health history, current symptoms, and any other relevant information. This information helps to understand your concerns and determine which areas of the body need to be focused on during the session.

  2. Muscle testing: Muscle testing is a key part of kinesiology. It involves the kinesiologist applying gentle pressure to various muscles while asking you to resist the pressure. This provides a biofeedback which is used to identify areas of stress or imbalance and to find priority issues.

  3. Correction techniques: Based on the muscle testing results, the kinesiologist will use a range of correction techniques to help restore balance and alleviate stress in the body. These may include light touch on acupressure points, emotional stress release techniques, cranial sacral therapy, bowen, chakra balancing, neurovascular points, neural lymphatic points, bush flower essences and more. These correction techniques help to relax the central nervous system and allow more blood flow to particular areas needed which in turn encourages healing.

  4. Feedback and recommendations: After the session, the kinesiologist may provide feedback on what was found during the session and give recommendations for follow-up care or lifestyle changes that will support your overall health and well-being.

Overall, kinesiology offers a personalised approach. Every person requires different techniques to help restore their body to homeostasis (a balanced state of all its systems to function in harmony with eachother). By working with a kinesiologist, you can gain insight into your body and learn techniques to improve your overall health and well-being.

Want to give it a try? Book here


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