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What A Kinesiologist Does

what a kinesiologist does

A kinesiologist is an expert in human body movement. They study the biomechanical process by monitoring the body's muscle activity (biofeedback) to help indicate imbalances within the body.

How can kinesiology benefit me?

Feeling stressed or anxious? Having trouble with an injury? Do you have difficulties learning? Want to increase your wellbeing? Then kinesiology is for you.

Whether it be physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, kinesiologists will collect information from your body's movements to help assist your body's natural healing processes get back to work.

As kinesiology is a from of non-invasive therapy to help detect these imbalances, there are techniques used to then help rebalance your body. This will work on anything from emotional stress like anxiety or depression, to physical stress, such as injuries, tension and weaknesses, along with learning difficulties, coordination, immune system, detoxification and more.

That is why a kinesiology session is referred to as a balance.

Techniques used in a kinesiology balance

Some of the techniques that are used in a kinesiology balance are:

  • neurovascular reflex points

  • acupressure

  • neuro-lymphatic massage

  • hypertonic muscle release

  • craniosacral therapy

  • bowen

  • NLP communication

  • brain interaction

  • nutrition advice

  • remedies, such as flower essences and homeopathics

Plus many more.

Interested in a Kinesiology session?

Contact Fleurieu Kinesiology today, and get started on your healing journey.


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