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How Kinesiology Helps with Emotional Stress

Emotional stress is a common occurrence in our lives, and it can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. It's normal to experience various emotions, but when they interfere with our daily lives, they can lead to stress.

Emotional stress is caused when the demands made on us exceed our ability to cope, leading to feelings of anxiety, irritability, and depression.

There are many demands that can contribute to emotional stress, including;

  • family responsibilities,

  • workplace pressure,

  • financial stress,

  • friendship issues,

  • breakdown of communication,

  • significant changes in our lives.

These pressures can trigger intense emotions that can result in fight and flight type behavior. When this behavior continues for a prolonged period, it can lead to an increase in adrenaline and cortisol levels, causing issues to our bodies.

Emotional stress can manifest in a variety of ways, such as irritability, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression, fatigue, trouble concentrating, overthinking, headaches, shoulder, neck, or back pain, tight jaw or teeth grinding, feeling helpless, and much more.

kinesiology emotional stress

Kinesiology is an effective method of managing emotional stress by detecting and addressing its underlying causes. Kinesiology helps clear accumulated stress from the body, including past traumas and triggers associated with these issues.

Through a variety of techniques, kinesiology can help to relax the central nervous system and create new neural pathways, enabling individuals to cope better with stress. As the mind integrates the kinesiology sessions, the body begins to release stress, allowing individuals to manage their emotions better in the future.

If you are experiencing emotional stress, consider booking a kinesiology session to help you manage your emotions and improve your overall well-being by clicking the 'book now' button.


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