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How Gut Health Impacts Brain Function

The human body is an incredibly intricate system, and many factors contribute to its proper functioning. One essential function is the gut, which plays a critical role in nutrient absorption, digestion, and waste elimination. Additionally, the gut contains a vast number of bacteria that aid in digestion and produce important neurotransmitters.

Did you know that almost all neurotransmitters found in the brain are also present in the gut? For example, approximately 95% of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that regulates mood, sleep, anger, and metabolism, is located in the gut. Furthermore, 80% of the immune system resides in the gut.

Interestingly, the gut sends more signals to the brain than the other way around. About 90% of signals are from the gut to the brain, while only 10% of signals go from the brain to the gut. This is why some scientists refer to the gut as the "second brain."

Factors That Impact Gut Health

There are several factors that can impact gut health, including;

  • stress,

  • allergies/intolerances,

  • poor diet,

  • heavy metals,

  • medications,

  • invasive organisms,

  • and toxin buildup.

Factors That Impact Brain Function

Conversely, several factors can also impact brain function, such as;

  • a dysfunctional gut,

  • toxin accumulation (which can cross the blood-brain barrier),

  • malabsorption of nutrients,

  • leaky gut (which allows large peptides to enter the bloodstream),

  • and lifestyle choices.

Symptoms of Poor Gut Health

When the gut is not functioning correctly, it can manifest in a variety of symptoms, including;

  • behavioural problems such as ADHD,

  • hyperactivity,

  • mood swings,

  • and social instability.

Additionally, individuals may experience emotional instability that can lead to impaired communication, short-term memory problems, learning difficulties, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and depression.

Therefore, maintaining a healthy gut is crucial for optimal brain health. A kinesiologist can assess which body systems are involved in any issues by utilising test kits and muscle monitoring. This can help improve the energy flow to the organs or glands involved, leading to better detox pathways, improved physical and mental health, a clearer mind, improved communication and behaviour, and better assimilation and excretion of invasive organisms, toxins, hormones, and nutrients.

If you want to maintain a healthy brain, you must prioritize gut health. Contact Fleurieu Kinesiology for an appointment to assess your gut health or book online today!


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