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Body Scan with Bio Resonance

Here at Fleurieu Kinesiology we are now utilising an AO Scan Technology by Solex™ for optimal health. This technology is inspired by discoveries from many scientists such as Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Raymond Rife and many others. All these scientists believe that everything is energy, frequency and vibration.

AO scan technology frequency

How AO Scan Technology Works

This powerful technology is designed to scan your body and voice to identify the frequency within you. This technology has a database of over 120,000 unique Blueprint Frequencies. These Blueprint frequencies are recordings of all the cells tissues and organs in the body. The AO Scan technology compares your own personal frequencies with these Blueprints. It then encourages the optimum frequencies of the cells, tissues, organs and emotions within your body to help encourage it into a state of balance and peace, giving you a sense of well-being.

The Benefits of AO Digital Scan Technology

When our bodies are working the way it should, we feel balanced and harmonised. However, when these frequencies fall into stress (due to injury, diet, stress, or emotion etc), it can create a disruption to our frequency and this can be carried around for life.

Book your appointment now and discover the benefits of AO Technology today!


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