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Welcome to Fleurieu Kinesiology

Aldinga, South Australia

Fleurieu Kinesiology is based in Aldinga, and welcomes people starting their healing journey as well as those familiar with kinesiology looking to continue their journey. Amy Lee is a Certified Kinesiologist servicing the Fleurieu Peninsula, and is dedicated to assisting people discover their whole health potential.

Amy Lee

Certified Kinesiologist

My Kinesiology Journey

Hi, I have always lived in the Fleurieu region and I currently live and work in Aldinga Beach as a certified Kinesiologist alongside my busy family life. I have 5 Children ranging from 4 to 1 years old. 


I didn't set out to be a Kinesiologist, in fact my first introduction to Kinesiology was via a referral given to me by a Naturopath, as one of my children had severe anxiety/depression, gut imbalances and a bed wetting problem.


We had tried everything but we couldn't gain any improvements. I went to the appointment thinking that this also would be a waste of time. We sat in anticipation, not knowing what to expect. We were asked to go through a medical history form and she began muscle testing different limbs and pressing different points on his face, body and feet. She sent us on our way with us feeling like this was no more than just another relaxing massage.

We returned to the next appointment a week later with no improvement noted. After the third session my son's anxiety was under control and he had completely stopped wetting the bed!!


It was after a bit of research I understood that the effects of stress can impact every person in a different way. I was in complete shock that a few sessions could change my son's life so dramatically. It was then that I realised that I needed to learn this modality as I had myself and 4 other children who could benefit from this!! As well as lots of other family members and friends. 


Now, after a lot of amazing changes to the whole family, I feel a very strong urge to help others the way Kinesiology has helped us! I am now a certified Kinesiologist and look forward to helping you and your loved ones overcoming whatever obstacles you are currently facing, so you can enjoy life to the fullest.


Understanding Kinesiology

The term kinesiology comes from the Greek words 'kinesis' (movement) and 'ology' (the scientific study of a particular subject) and means 'studying movement'. The three key elements of kinesiology are anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. Using muscle monitoring (biofeedback) we look at what may be causing ‘imbalances’ in the body and attempt to relieve these imbalances.Stress reactions in a person are examined in kinesiology, and techniques are provided to help the body's natural healing process.

Some of the techniques adopted during treatment are;

  • Acupressure points using light touch or, tei shin

  • Nuerovascular reflex points

  • Nuero-lymphatic massage

  • Bowen

  • NLP communication 

  • Bush flower essences 

  • Nutritional advice

  • Cranial Sacral Therapy

  • Chakra Balancing

  • Emotional Stress Release

  • Dantian 

  • Plus many more

The Benefits of Kinesiology


Chronic Fatigue, Low Energy & Sleep Problems


Digestion, Gut Issues & Nutritional Deficiencies


Emotional Upset & Past Personal Trauma


Communication & Relationship Issues


Hormonal Imbalances & Immune System Function

Coordination/Movement, Minor Injuries & Muscle Pain

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Learning Difficulties, ADHD & Delayed Learning

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Headaches & Migraines

The natural healing force within each of us is the greatest force in getting well.

[ Hippocrates ]

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